Francis Comber
(Abt 1619-1703)
Thomas White
Ann Langridge
John Comber
Judith White
(Abt 1665-1726)
William Comber


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Ruth Blundell

William Comber 34

  • Born: 29 Jan 1702, Ardingly, Sussex
  • Marriage: Ruth Blundell on 1 Jul 1771 in Crowhurst, Sussex
  • Died: Nov 1778, Crowhurst, Sussex at age 76
  • Buried: 10 Nov 1778, Crowhurst, Sussex

bullet  General Notes:

THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF WILLIAM COMBERI William Comber of Crowhurst in the County of Surry Yeomanbeing of sound disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do makethis my last Will and Testament in manner and form followingffirst I resign my soul to God and my Body to the Earth to betherein decently buried in Crowhurst Church Yard at thediscretion of my Executors herein after named And I do direct mysaid Executors to cause a Grave to be deemed [?] large enoughfor the Interment of me and my Wife and a Tombstone to beerected thereon And I give to the Minister who shall Officiateat my ffuneral the Sum of One Guinea for a Sermon to be preachedon that Occasion And as to all my Worldly Estate wherewith ithath pleased God to blefs me I give and dispose of the same asfollows that is to say I give and devise all those my Mefsuagesor Tenements ffarms Lands Hereditaments and Appartments situatelying and being in the parish of Lingfield aforesaid in theCounty of Surry in the several Occupations of Robert Care [orRobert Cane] Robert Hoad [or Robert Head] and my son John Comberand elsewhere in the kingdom of Great Britain unto John Comberof Stoneland in the parish of Westhothly in the County of SufsexYeoman and to John Newnham of Horley in the said County of SurryYeoman and to their heirs and afsigns forever to take as Tenantsin Common and not as joint Tenants But Subject nevertheless toand chargeable with the payment of One Annuity or yearly RentCharge of Thirty Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain clearof all payments and deductions whatever unto my loving wife Ruthduring her naturaal life to be paid to her at the place of herabode for the time being by equal Quarterly payments that is tosay Lady Day Midsummer Day Michaelmas Day and Christmas Day thefirst payment thereof to be made on such of the said days asshall first happen next after my decease with power of Entry andDistrefs for my said Wife In Case of nonpayment of the saidAnnuity or any part thereof for the space of Ten days next afterany of the said days on which the same ought to be paid asaforesaid and with full power to keep and sell the said Distrefsor Distrefses until and for payment of the said Annuity or anypart thereof together with all charges attending the same and ifsaid Real Estate should be insufficient to pay the said Annuityof thirty pounds then it is my Will that deficiency shall bemade up from time to time out of my personal Estate by myExecutors hereafter named Also I give and bequeath all mypersonal Estate of what nature or kind soever and wheresoeverExcept as herein after mentioned unto the said John Comber ofWesthothly aforesaid and the said John Newnham of Horleyaforesaid their Executors Administrations and afsigns In Trustnevertheless to sell and dispose thereof to pay the Legacies andfor other purposes herein after mentioned that is to say I giveand bequeath unto my Brother Stephen if living at the time of mydecease the Sum of Ten pounds of like lawful Money but if heshould be dead then I give the said Sum of Ten pounds to andequally among the Child or Children of my said Brother Stephenshare and share alike Also I give unto my nephews Thomas andWilliam sons of my Brother John and to my nephews Thomas andJohn sons of my Brother Thomas the sum of Ten pounds a piece oflike lawful Money Also I give and bequeath unto my niece Marydaughter of my Sister Ann and to my niece Mary daughter of mysister Mary the sum of ffive pounds a piece of like lawful MoneyAlso I give to my nephew James Smart son of my sister Elizabeththe Sum of fforty pounds of like lawful Money Also I give andbequeath unto William Dunmore my Servant the Sum of ffive poundsand ffive Shillings of like lawful Money All which said LegaciesI do direct shall be paid by my Executors herein after named intwelve months after my decease Also I give and bequeath to thepoor people of the parish of Crowhurst aforesaid the Sum offfifty Shillings of like lawful Money to be laid out in Breadand distributed to them by my said Executors in One Month aftermy decease And from and after payment of the said Legacies I dohereby direct that the surplus of the Money arising by sale ofmy Quick and Dead Stock and also all Monies or Securitiestogether with the Monies arising by Sale of the Remainder of theTerm of the Lease of my ffarm shall be by the said John Comberof Westhothly and John Newnham of Horley placed out inGovernment or some other good Securites and pay and apply theInterest and Dividends thereof as follows that is to say I giveand bequeath one Annuity of ffifteen pounds part thereof clearof all Deductions and payable half yearly unto my Son Johnduring the life of my said Wife Ruth and from and after herdecease my Will is that the said Annuity of ffifteen poundsshall cease And then I give to my said Son John the clear yearlyAnnuity of Thirty pounds payable in like manner during the termof his natural life And in Case my said Son John Comber shoulddie and leave Ifsue of his Body of lawfully begotten hiers ThenI give and bequeath unto such Child or Children the Sum of Onehundred pounds of like lawfull Money to be paid to him her orthem at his her or their Age or Ages of twenty One years Also Igive and bequeath unto my wife Ruth All my plate with our BedBedstead and Hangings all my Linnen and such other Goods andffurniture she shall think proper to take during her life Andfrom and after her decease I give and bequeath the same to myniece Elizabeth Newnham Also I give to my said Son John my bestsuit of Cloaths Also I give to the said William Dunmore mySilver Watch my Silver Buckles and a pair of Buckskin Gloves tobe delievered to them by my Executors immediately after mydecease All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Estate whetherReal or Personal after payment of my Debts Legacies Annuitiesffuneral Expenses and Probate of this my Will I give devise andbequeath the same unto the said John Comber of Westhothly andJohn Newnham of Horley their heirs Executors Administrators andAfsigns for ever as Tenants in Common And I do hereby nominateordain constitute and appoint the said John Comber of Westhothlyand the said John Newnham Joint Executors of this my last Willand Testament And I do also appoint Mr William Turner and MrHenry Austen [or Henry Auston] both of Crowhurst aforesaidTrustees of this my last Will and Testament to each of whom Igive the Sum of Three Guineas And it is my Will that my Trusteesshall be reimbursed by my said Executors all such Charges thatthey shall be put unto in the Execution of their Trust and thatthey shall not be answerable for any lofs or lofses notoccasioned by their Willful Art or Arts by only for theirSeparate Arts Deeds and Receipts Lastly I do hereby revoke allformer Wills and declare this to be my last Will and TestamentIn Witnefs whereof I the said William Comber have to this myWill contained in two sheets of paper to each sheet hereof setmy hand and seal this seventeen day of June in the year of OurLord one thousand seven hundred and Seventy Eight WilliamComber signed sealed published and declared by the saidWilliam Comber the Testator as and for his last Will andTestament in the presence of us who in his presence and at thisrequest have subscribed our names as Witnefses heretoThomas Bokey George Rose J WakehamThis Will was proved at London the fourth day of December in theyear of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eightbefore the Worshipful Thomas Bover Doctor of Laws Surrogate ofthe Right Worshipful Peter Calvert also Doctor of Laws MasterKeeper or Commifsary of the Prerogative Court of Canterburylawfully constituted by the Oaths of John Comber the Nephew ofthe deceased and John Newnham the Executors named in the saidWill to whom Administration was granted of all and singular theGoods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having beenfirst sworn duly to administorThe above Will was transcribed from the original document - PROCatalogue Reference: Prob 11/1048; Image Reference: 55 - bySteve Sunderland and Mandy Willard on 20/21 January 2004.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Baptism, 2 Feb 1702, Ardingly, Sussex.


William married Ruth Blundell on 1 Jul 1771 in Crowhurst, Sussex. (Ruth Blundell died after 1778 in Crowhurst, Sussex.)

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